Non-healing chronic wounds that fail to progress through an orderly and timely series of events to produce a durable structural, functional, and cosmetic closure, present a significant public health burden. More than 6.5 million US patients are affected annually with treatment cost exceeding $25bn. Rising rates of obesity and diabetes are expected to compound number of cases with patient group at highest risk (>65yrs) expected to double over the next 20 years.
Targeting specifically venous leg ulcers (VLU), along with poor initial healing rates, a large proportion of the patient, provider and patient burden is driven by the chronic re-occurrence rates. Once completely healed, a VLU patient has a high likelihood of having a recurrence within one year. Escalating cycles of re-occurrence and quality of healed tissue exacerbates the risk of re-occurrence. Patients with history of multiple VLU’s have a 4.4 times higher risk of re-occurrence.
The DocLeaf Project is developing a novel device technology for enhancing tissue repair in chronic high recurring wounds such as VLUs that can be easily delivered within current care settings and practices. The value proposition for patients is faster healing with lower infection complication rates with a more durable healed tissue that has a significantly reduced risk of repeat breakdown. The initial device technology will target VLU patients but shall be further applicable to multiple chronic non-healing wound types.
- Liam O’Brien, Co-Founder (CEO)
- Prof. Fergal O’Brien, Principal Investigator
Current status
- Early stage development – commercialisation fund
Next steps
- Pre-clinical in-vivo testing
- Seed round in 2026