S3 Connected Health

S3 Connected Health


Enodatis digital clinical support tool 

Engagement Type

Technology Licence 

Industry Partner

S3 Connected Health provide digital health solutions that help manage chronic conditions and enable patients to take control of their health. They specialise in the design and creation of cloud-based digital therapy management solutions and connected medical devices with partners in pharma and medtech. Using behavioural analysis, patient journey mapping and data-driven insights, they strive to truly understand the needs of patients, clinicians, and providers and support the move towards outcome-based healthcare.  


In early March 2020, with the first wave of Covid-19 infections in Ireland rapidly swelling, Prof Richard Costello, Professor of Medicine at RCSI and Respiratory Medicine Consultant at Beaumont Hospital was tasked with developing technology enhanced care pathways for Covid-19 patients attending Beaumont Hospital. Carefully observing internationally events and acutely aware of the lack of Electronic Patient Record infrastructure in the Irish Healthcare System, Prof. Costello quickly concluded that an easy-to-use mobile application was required to optimise care of for these patients. The developed technology has application outside of Covid 19 for other patients suffering from respiratory conditions.  

RCSI Value Added

In an intensely collaborative effort, the clinical and academic researchers worked with medical and technical experts at S3 Connected Health night and day to: (a) develop a risk assessment score, now known as the Covid Critical Care Index (CCCI), to map disease progression and identify those patients most at risk of ICU admission and (b) incorporate CCCI into a web based GDPR compliant app (Enodatis) to enable non-respiratory specialist healthcare professions to triage and treat patients with the virus and monitor whether the patient was improving, stable or deteriorating. Within two weeks, the app was developed and deployed with a HPRA derogation in Beaumont Hospital. Enodatis has been used in six hospitals by 300 doctors with nearly 3500 patients registered on the system. It was CE marked and registered as a Class I Medical Device under MDD just seven weeks after initial meeting. 

RCSI and S3 Connected Health entered into a number of license agreements to facilitate commercial use by the company of the jointly created technology in different fields and to facilitate future use by the academic co-developing parties. Negotiations were smooth and swiftly completed to enable to technology to be brought to market as quickly as possible.  

The company went on to win e-health innovation of the year in the 2020 Irish MedTech Awards.

“In normal circumstances it would take up to a year to develop a clinical support tool from concept to deployment. What is most remarkable about Enodatis that it came to fruition in less than a fortnight. This was only possible because of a truly unique partnership and outstanding collaborative team effort from all involved.”

–S3 Connected Health President Jim O’Donoghue.

“The process we went through negotiating the agreements did more than just produce those documents, it built a high level of trust between our organisation, which is great.”

–James O’Riordan, CTO.