Vhi is a leading healthcare provider and provides a multi-disciplinary approach to care, providing access to a range of services in areas including urgent care, paediatrics, sports and exercise medicine, women’s health, radiology, dermatology, HealthCheck, mental health, Hospital@Home, occupational health, midwife support services and corporate wellbeing services.
Vhi currently delivers patient care at Vhi 360 Health Centres located in Dublin, Limerick, Cork and Galway, and in members’ homes across various counties, via telehealth and in Vhi corporate client sites.
The aim of the StAR MD programme is to provide clinical research positions for successful candidates at our Vhi Paediatrics clinic in Dublin and our Vhi Hospital@Home service in Dublin or Galway.
Vhi’s Paediatrics service provides consultant-led services for both general and developmental paediatrics via GP, consultant or self-referral. Paediatric HST trainees would be suited to this role. There is on-site supervision by consultants at all times. This service operates between 08:00-18:00, Monday to Friday.
Vhi’s Hospital@Home service is an innovative early-discharge clinical service. A team of specialist nurses and doctors manage patients in their own homes, in conjunction with a hospital-based consultant and a full-time clinical director.
Services include IV antibiotics, pressure dressings and domiciliary diuresis. This service operates between 08:00-18:00 daily.
Doctors on patient-facing medical HST schemes, emergency medicine HST schemes or GP trainees would be most suited to this role.