Robin Olaonipekun

My name is Robin Olaonipekun, and I am a second-year medical student at RCSI.

I’m from Ontario, Canada and I reside in the Dublin city- centre student accommodation. I love to show my appreciation for my friends and family by cooking and baking for them. I also enjoy grabbing coffee or treats with friends at the various cafes around the city.

Robin Olaonipekun

I do not plan on working during my time studying medicine in Dublin, so I am fairly conscious of my spending. I walk a lot during the week to minimize how much I spend on public transportation. This is also crucial to my routine because it helps me prioritise daily physical activity. I also meal prep on Sundays, to avoid draining my funds on expensive takeaway meals.

I frequently call my mother back home in Canada, to share her delicious and nutritious recipes for vegetarian Nigerian cuisine.

This week, I am preparing for our Renal 'knowledge check' 1 and participating in a charity bake sale for RCSI’s Health and Wellbeing Society.

  • Programme: Medicine (Year 2)
  • Living quarters: Dublin city centre

Monthly expenses

Rent: €1,380

Number of housemates: Four

Transport: Since I live very close to campus, and rarely take taxis or public transport, this is normally €0.

Household bills: Included in rent.

Phone bill: €20 for unlimited data with Three network.

Groceries: €40

Subscriptions: for Anatomy €22/month

Budget breakdown

  • 9am: I wake up bright and early and read over lectures from the week before. I have plans to attend Sunday service with friends at church in Lucan. My friend offered to drive, so I did not need to pay for public transportation.
  • 12pm: After church, my friends and I enjoyed lunch back in the Dublin city centre. One of my favorites: Akaka Poke. I got a shoyu tofu bowl that was filled with delicious vegetables and toppings (€13.50). After lunch, I head to Dunnes Stores and Asia Market on Drury Street and pick up groceries to meal prep for the week of tofu stir fry (€20).
  • 8pm: After studying, I enjoy my dinner and prepare myself for Monday morning classes. Then, I call my family back home, before heading to bed early.

Total: €33.50

  • 7:45am: I wake up to my terrifying alarm and get ready for 9 am classes. I start my day with a high-protein breakfast and a coffee to wake me up. Today, I'll be packing my lunch because we have a long day of lectures, followed by a small-group teaching session for Pathology.
  • 1pm: During our break between lectures, I enjoy my lunch from home with my friends at 26 York Street’s Dispensary café.
  • 3pm: Our tutorial is now finished, so I decided to grab a pick-me-up with a friend at These Hands, which is a cute café located two minutes from RCSI (€5.15). After this, I head to the RCSI Library to revise today’s lectures.
  • 7:15pm: As a study break, I head to a full-body workout class offered by the amazing staff at RCSI’s Gym.
  • 8:45pm: After the gym, I head home and prepare for bed and the following day.

Total: €5.15

  • 7:45am: I head to another 9am class, grabbing a protein smoothie at Jump Juice in St Stephen's Green Centre beforehand (€6.35).
  • 2:30pm: After class, I head to the library to revise again.
  • 6:45pm: I head to the gym for a light workout session while doing flashcards on the treadmill (top-tier multitasking).
  • 9:15pm: I enjoy my meal- prep for dinner and head to bed early, to prepare for my knowledge check tomorrow morning.

Total: €6.35

  • 7:45am: I wake up, have my usual breakfast and revise my notes before my exam at 9am in Desmond Auditorium.
  • 10:30am: I’m feeling good after my exam, and we do not have any classes for the rest of the day. I grab brunch with some friends at one of my favourite restaurants by school Sophie's Rooftop (€14.80). Then, I head home to catch up on sleep.
  • 9:30pm: I organised a recipe and grocery list for the bake sale on Thursday. Then I enjoy my meal prep and head to sleep.

Total: €14.80

  • 9am: I slept in, as our case-based learning (CBL) starts at 10am today. In this case, we focus on hematuria as part of our Renal module.
  • 11:30am: After CBL, I head to Dunnes Stores to grab ingredients for the cinnamon rolls I plan to bake (€12). I’m in a bit of a time crunch, so I rush home to prepare everything before the 3pm start-time.
  • 5:30pm: My friends loved the cinnamon rolls and were able to raise funds for RCSI’s Health and Wellbeing Society. I’m so glad I could participate.
  • 10:30pm: After finishing notes, I head to bed, tired from a fulfilling day.

Total: €12

  • 11:30am: I took advantage of having no classes today and decided to sleep in. Then I head to the library to study for the day.
  • 2pm: My friend and I decided to grab a treat and go for a walk in St Stephen's Green
    park – the weather was so beautiful (€4).
  • 6:30pm: I head to the gym for a run, and then enjoy my meal-prep at home.
  • 8:30pm: I get ready to head to the Rathmines Omniplex to watch a movie with my roommate (€2 for bus fare). I decided to get the month-long unlimited movie pass since it is the same price as a normal ticket. This way, I can see other movies for free if I decide to come back this month (€15).

Total: €21