Pharmacy Ball

Every January, the Pharmacy Society puts on an incredible night at the Pharmacy Ball.

After the Christmas and New Year’s excitement has well and truly died down, the Pharmacy Ball is the perfect excuse to get all dressed up and have another night out.

Initially created just for RCSI Pharmacy students, over the years the ball has grown in popularity and it’s now one of the best opportunities you’ll get to meet students from different years and disciplines.

The evening kicks off with a drinks reception, followed by a tasty three-course-meal, a band and DJ, which are sure to keep you on your feet until the wee hours.

There’s also a selection of serious and tongue-and-cheek awards given out on the night, perfectly capturing both the hard-working and fun-loving nature of Pharmacy students.

Throughout the night, students flock to the now infamous photo booth, providing the perfect excuse for many new Instagram profile pictures.