Presidents’ Portraits

The Presidents' Portraits collection honours the distinguished community of RCSI past presidents.

The role of President is an unpaid position – a portrait commission is a means of recognising and thanking these individuals who have given so generously of their time and expertise in this role for the benefit of students and staff.

Character and personality

In partnership with Business to Arts, the RCSI Arts Committee works with successive outgoing Presidents to realise this commission on a biennial basis. Portraits aim to capture the character of the sitter as much as they do their likeness, conveying a sense of who they are and what they believe in. Watch the video to hear more about the creative process from past-President Mr Kenneth Mealy (2016-18) and the artist behind his portrait, Catherine Creaney.

Explore some highlights

The earliest portrait in the RCSI collections was commissioned in 1810. Past presidents were rendered in portrait form regularly throughout the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, though the tradition of routinely commissioning a new portrait at the end of each presidential tenure was only formalised in the mid-1950s.

Find out more about past presidents of RCSI here.