A young female nurse is seen chatting with a colleague in the break room)

Flourishing – A Well-being Programme for Nurses and Midwives

Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery


Nurses and midwives operate in high-stress environments that are psychologically and physically demanding, with long working hours and shift work. In addition to their clinical care responsibilities, there are many factors which can add stress such as staffing shortages, high staff turnover, lack of resources and anecdotal reports of increasing levels of aggression and hostility in the system.

This CPD programme aims to promote nurses and midwives wellbeing by enhancing their awareness of and understanding of the association between their personal behaviours (such as sleep, physical activity, social media usage, etc.) and their wellbeing levels.

This programme is an online programme that participants can complete in their own time, consisting of a range of topics that will support them to understand and make sustained lifestyle changes to improve their overall wellbeing.

The programme was developed and accredited by RCSI's Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery and has input from a range of expert contributors working in wellbeing.

Flourishing - A Well-being Programme for Nurses and Midwives brochure PDF | 1182.8 KB