How much to pay
The total fee depends on the payment source. Carefully consider the below in order to determine the correct amount:
- If fee is paid by applicant who has a prospective employer who will not reimburse the applicant upon registration with the NMBI: €2,800
- If the prospective employer is not entitled to a discount: €2,800
- If the applicant is self-sponsor with no prospective employer: €2,800
- If fee is paid by a prospective employer who is entitled to a discount: €2,500
- If fee is paid by applicant but has a prospective employer who is entitled to a discount and will reimburse the applicant upon registration with the NMBI: €2,500
Prospective employers entitled to a discount include those who have a service level agreement (SLA) with the Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery at RCSI. Before paying the fee, contact your prospective employer regarding the relevant amount. The discount is only applicable at the point of application and will not be given retrospectively.
Please note:
- You must allow for any transaction charges if applicable.
- The fee includes two attempts at each part of the test.
- The fee has, so far, remained unchanged since the first test in December 2015.
Proof of payment
Before paying the correct fee it is essential that all the requirements regarding the proof of payment are fully considered to ensure full compliance as follows:
- The proof of payment must be an official bank receipt.
- It must contain the following as part of the official receipt (not hand-written):
- Name and address and logo of bank from where the money is being sent
- Official stamp from where the money is being sent
- The account number from where the money is being sent
- The full name of the account from where the money is being sent
- RCSI account number into which the money is being transferred
- Amount paid (in euro)
- The full name of the applicant as per passport.
- If the account from where the money is being sent is not the applicant’s account, then the relationship of the account holder to the applicant must be hand-written on the bottom of the receipt, for example, 'Account holder is prospective employer'.
- The name of the recruitment agency must be hand-written on the bottom of the proof of payment. If applicant has no recruitment agent, then hand-write, 'No recruitment agent'.
- The name and address of the prospective employer must be hand-written on the bottom of the proof of payment. If applicant has no prospective employer, then hand-write, 'No prospective employer'.
An application will not be processed and will be returned until the details above are correct.
An invoice will not be issued. A receipt of the proof of payment will form part of your invitation email. If the fee was paid by someone other than you the applicant, then you must forward the invitation email to them. No other receipt will be automatically issued.
Unused fees
There is no automatic refund of unused fees, except where an applicant is unsuccessful at the second attempt at the theory test, in which case the portion of the fee for the practical test will be refunded (as such an applicant would not be eligible to take this part if they are unsuccessful at the theory test).
Otherwise, if any part of a fee is not used, a request may be submitted to use against payment for another applicant or for a refund. If an agent or prospective employer paid the fee there is an option to use it as credit for another applicant. If the applicant (or family member/relative/friend) paid the fee directly to RCSI then the fee cannot be used for another applicant.
A refund is not guaranteed and is considered on a case-by-case basis. If granted, an administration charge (10%) will incur. This administration charge will change for all refund applications received on or after 1 May 2024 until further notice. Advance notice (eight weeks) is given as at 6 March 2024 (see below).
Complete the below and email to to request a refund of unused fees.
- Applicant's name
- Applicant's RCSI number (eight-digit) or applicant's NMBI number (six-digit)
- Briefly describe why the fees paid were not used
- Do you wish for the unused fee to be used as credit for another applicant or rebated (available only where an agent or prospective employer has paid the fee directly to RCSI)?
- Submitted by (name):
- Mobile number:
- Submitted on (date):
Administration charges for postponements on or after 1 February 2025
Postponements are happening because:
- Not allowing sufficient time for the various processes to be complete.
- Delayed application for AWS Letter of Approval or Entry Visa. Upon receipt of an invitation for the test, application should be ready to be submitted for Immigration documents (provided it is within the required timeframe).
- Not being prepared for the test despite having had the invitation for a number of months.
A suitable date should be considered at the point of application: a preferred date should be written on the bottom of the payment proof (from list of test dates in the Apply section). The preferred date should be achievable and be before your NMBI Decision Letter expires.
Postponements are problematic as tests have to be frequently cancelled or tests are running with vacant places coupled with the significant impact on resources including time involved in administration and processing. The knock-on effect of postponements on workforce planning is not helpful.
Postponement of first attempt: initial postponement on or after 1 February 2025
i. If postponed 30 or more days before the allocated test date, then the administration charge will be €150
ii. If postponed between 14 and 29 days before the allocated test date, then the administration charge will be: €250
iii. If postponed thirteen days or less before the allocated test date, then the administration charge will be: €350
iv. If there is a no-show or a response is not received to the booking confirmation by the due date then the administration charge will be: 20% of the fee paid.
Subsequent postponements
If, after the initial postponement, there is a further postponement/s, then a €100 fee in addition to the above will be charged for each postponement. Refer to 'Changes to test status' in Apply section for process involved in postponements.
Administration charges for refunds on or after 1 February 2025
a) If a fee has been paid by agent/prospective employer and the fee is going to be used for another applicant and the request is made in writing before the test date: then the administration charge is 10%. The unused fee must be used within three months of the withdrawal or a further administration charge will be added.
b) If a fee has been paid by agent/prospective employer and the fee is not going to be used for another applicant or if the fee has been paid by someone else (applicant or other): then the administration charge will vary depending on when the application is withdrawn and the refund requested, as follows:
i. If withdrawn and refund requested 30 or more days before the allocated test date, then the administration charge will be: 10%
ii. If withdrawn and refund requested between 14 and 29 days before the allocated test date, then the administration charge will be: 15%
iii. If withdrawn and refund requested 13 days or less before the allocated test date, then the administration charge will be: 20%.
iv. If there is a no-show or a response is not received to the booking confirmation by the due date then the administration charge will be: 20% of the fee paid
These administration charges are necessary because of:
- The amount of additional resource implications including staff time involved in administration and processing.
- The necessary communication and follow-up required by the Aptitude Test manager.
- Not being able to ascertain, despite several endeavours to communicate/follow-up, if an applicant is coming to a test.
- The late reply that an applicant is withdrawing that often results in it being too late to offer the place to someone else which significantly impacts on workforce planning.
- Late application for a refund concurrently with information gaps including missing details.
Administration charges for refunds from 1 May 2024 to 31 January 2025
a) If a fee has been paid by agent/prospective employer and the fee is going to be used for another applicant and the request is made in writing before the test date: then the administration charge is 10%. The unused fee must be used within three months of the withdrawal or a further administration charge will be added.
b) If a fee has been paid by agent/prospective employer and the fee is not going to be used for another applicant or if the fee has been paid by someone else (applicant or other): then the administration charge will vary depending on when the application is withdrawn and the refund requested, as follows:
i. If withdrawn and refund requested 30 or more days before the allocated test date, then the administration charge will be: 10%
ii. If withdrawn and refund requested between 10 and 29 days before the allocated test date, then the administration charge will be: 15%
iii. If withdrawn and refund requested nine days or less before the allocated test date, then the administration charge will be: 20%.
iv. If there is a no-show or a response is not received to the booking confirmation by the due date then the administration charge will be: 20%