Teaching and education

The SWaT Research Centre cultivates the education of leading researchers in wound care and tissue viability.

In RCSI, students have the opportunities to take part in a taught Postgraduate Diploma in Wound Management and Tissue Viability and a taught MSc programme. We also offer an  MSc by Research and PhD programmes.

Programmes are delivered in a challenging and nurturing environment and students are supported to develop advanced research skills so that they can ultimately work as independent practitioners.

More information on research opportunities in nursing and midwifery can be found here.

Dr Emer Shanley

"My journey through RCSI has taught me how absolutely intertwined clinical practice and research are.The invaluable research knowledge I have obtained from my studies in RCSI, has provided me with the skills necessary to apply research findings into my everyday practice."

Recipient of the 2019 School of Nursing and Midwifery Alumni of the Year Award.