What to pack

You've been offered your place, now it’s time to decide what to pack. This can be difficult, particularly if you are flying to Dublin as most airlines now have strict luggage allowances and you may want to bring more than you can fit in your suitcase!

Try to decide what you absolutely must bring, and what you can buy here. Some students bring homeware items – such as bed linen and towels – but remember these can be heavy and you can buy all of these when you arrive in Dublin.

It's also important to keep in mind the temperate Irish weather when packing your clothes. Typically, the weather is mild, with average temperatures ranging from 8°C (in winter) to 18°C (in summer). However, while you might escape the snow, Ireland is well-known for wind and rain.

Clothes we recommend you make room for in your suitcase include:

  • A warm coat
  • A good rain jacket, for when it’s too windy for your umbrella.
  • Rain boots (or at least a good pair of warm, waterproof boots)
  • A scarf, warm hat and gloves
  • Professional attire for exams and hospital rotations
  • Occasion clothes for the many University balls and events throughout the year.