Financial assistance
We recognise that students may experience financial problems during their time at RCSI for a number of reasons. Perhaps you are having trouble paying medical expenses or have had a family bereavement and urgently need to travel.
Whatever the circumstance, if you are experiencing financial difficulties, you may be eligible to apply for financial assistance. EU students can apply to the Student Assistance Fund (SAF), while non-EU students have access to the Student Hardship Fund (SHF).
A Fund for Students with Disabilities (FSD) is also available.
Funding by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan (NDP), with assistance from the European Social Fund (ESF), the Student Assistance Fund (SAF) is aimed at tackling educational disadvantage by providing financial support to those who require it and enabling them to fully participate in their third-level education.
The SAF provides financial support to full- or part-time students who are experiencing financial difficulties while attending University.
Part-time students who are lone parents or members of the other access target groups identified in the National Access Plan: A Strategic Action Plan for Equity of Access, Participation and Success in Higher Education 2022 – 2028 are encouraged to apply as additional funding has been made available to support this group.
To be eligible, students must fulfil the following criteria:
- Be fully registered with RCSI
- Be registered in a course that has a duration in excess of one year
Potential expenses which may be covered by the fund include:
- Books
- Class materials
- Rent
- Heating/Lighting bills
- Food
- Travel of an urgent nature
- Medical expenses – i.e doctor or dental visits
- Family breakdown
- Bereavement
- Accidents
- Certain family obligations, particularly in relation to childcare
Potential expenses which are not covered by the fund include:
- Tuition fees
- Registration fees
- Electives – either at home or abroad
- Replacement laptops
- Bursaries
- REACH grants
- Loans
- Funding relating to the provision of access courses/foundation courses
- Funding for students participating on access courses/foundation courses
Please note:
- Applicants may be called for interview in support of their submission.
- Applicants who are unsuccessful have the right of appeal.
- All funds are allocated by the SFAC.
- All applications are assessed on an individual basis and are totally confidential.
- While it is fair to say that all students could benefit from additional financial support, the SAF is limited and allocations can only be made to those considered most in need.
- Funding granted in a specified academic period does not guarantee funding for subsequent years.
The Student Hardship Fund (SHF) aims to assist Non-EU students who may be experiencing unforeseen hardship which could jeopardise their ability to continue their studies. While the fund is open to all Non-EU students, special consideration is given to Undergraduate students with financial difficulties.
The SHF is funded through the Alumni Annual Giving Programme.
To be eligible, students must fulfil the following criteria:
- Be fully registered with RCSI
- Be registered in a course that has a duration in excess of one year
- Circumstances must be unanticipated, unexpected or extraordinary
- Proof of financial hardship must be supplied/supported
- Students must be in good standing with the University
Potential expenses which may be covered by the fund include:
- Emergency accommodation (short-term)
- Travel of an urgent nature
- Emergency medical expenses
- Family breakdown
- Bereavement
- Accidents
- Certain family obligations
Potential expenses which are not covered by the fund include:
- Tuition fees
- Registration fees
- Electives – either at home or abroad
- Replacement laptops
- Personal, student or education loans
- Personal/family tax liability
How to apply
To apply, students must complete the SHF application form and attach supporting documentation. The completed application should be returned to the RCSI Student Services office.
The Student Financial Assistance Committee (SFAC) will then examine each case and make recommendations. These recommendations will be communicated to the applicant in writing.
Please note:
- Applicants may be called for interview in support of their submission.
- Applicants who are unsuccessful have the right of appeal.
- All funds are allocated by the SFAC.
- All applications are assessed on an individual basis and are totally confidential.
- While it is fair to say that all students could benefit from additional financial support, the SAF is limited and allocations can only be made to those considered most in need.
- Funding granted in a specified academic period does not guarantee funding for subsequent years.
Funding by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan (NDP), with assistance from the European Social Fund (ESF), the Fund for Students with Disabilities (FSD) provides assistance to students with disabilities. Grants are provided for students who have serious sensory, physical, learning and/or communicative disabilities.
To be eligible, students must fulfil the following criteria:
- Be fully registered with RCSI
- Be registered with the RCSI Learning access and facilitation service (LAFS)
Potential expenses which may be covered by the fund include:
- Sign language interpreters
- Notetakers
- Personal assistants
- Additional tuition
- Targeted transport
- Computer software
- Computer equipment
- Furniture/fittings
How to apply
To apply, students must complete the SAF application form and attach supporting documentation. The completed application should be returned to the RCSI Student Services office.
The Student Financial Assistance Committee (SFAC) will then examine each case and make recommendations. These recommendations will be communicated to the applicant in writing.
To apply, students must first register with the RCSI Learning Access and Facilitation Service (LAFS) and provide proof of disability.
Full details of how to register are available from RCSI's Centre for Mastery: Personal, Professional and Academic Success (CoMPPAS) office or on Moodle.
Please note
Incoming students should register with LAFS as soon as possible after Orientation Day as it may take some time to access these grants from the HEA/Office for Equity of Access.
RCSI operates a ‘Reasonable Accommodation Policy’ in relation to access and disability.