A person in dentistry training)


Bachelor of Dental Surgery, BDS (Hons)
School of Dentistry


Please note that you can apply to study with RCSI via the following websites:
  • Irish/EU applicants should apply through the CAO website.
  • Applicants residing in North America should apply through Atlantic Bridge website.
  • All other Non-EU applicants may apply directly to RCSI between 1 November and 15 January (in the year of admission to the programme).

All applicants to RCSI undergraduate programmes are categorised as either EU or Non-EU, depending on whether or not they meet the EU applicant criteria (which includes nationality and residency criteria). If you do not meet the eligibility criteria for EU applicant status, you will be deemed a Non-EU student for fees and application purposes.

To ensure you complete the application process correctly, you will need to confirm your status as an EU applicant or a Non-EU applicant.

If you are not sure whether you are an EU or Non-EU applicant, please consult RCSI’s EU vs Non-EU policy.   

Under the Common Travel Area (CTA) between Ireland and the UK, UK citizens will continue to enjoy the same fee status that they have to date, post-Brexit. For the purposes of determining fee status, the UK should continue to be considered an EU Member State when completing the EU Nationality test.

If you have any questions, please contact the RCSI Admissions Office who can assist in verifying your status.

Please note:

The information below should be used as a guide only, regarding your EU or Non-EU applicant status. If, after working through the guide, you are still unsure of your EU or Non-EU status, you should refer to this policy for further guidance.

Alternatively, you may contact the RCSI Admissions Office who can assist in verifying your status.


Irish and EU applicants


 Irish and EU School Leaver applicants must:

  • Be EU applicants
  • Be in their final year of school or have completed their Leaving Certificate (or an equivalent EU secondary school exit examination) prior to the year of admission to the programme
  • Meet the minimum entry (matriculation) requirements
  • Apply to the programme through the Central Applications Office (CAO) website (RC007 – Undergraduate Dentistry) from 5 November to 1 February. Late applications are accepted until 1 May in the year of admission.

Non-EU applicants - School Leaver

Non-EU students (excluding those residing in the USA/Canada) apply directly to RCSI via our website. Applications open on 1 November and close on 15 January in the year of admission to the programme.

If you reside in the USA or Canada, please apply via our educational partner in North America, Atlantic Bridge. For more details on the correct application process, please see below.

Applications for the September 2025 intake are now closed. Applications for September 2026 entry will open on 1 November 2025. 

Please note: Applicants must have attained the age of 18 by 1 December following entry to RCSI. If you do not meet this requirement we will not be able to consider your application.

Please ensure that you read the below information carefully before starting your application.

There is an application fee of €75 payable by credit card.

Applicants must:

  • Meet the minimum academic eligibility criteria (including English language requirements) for entry to RCSI's Undergraduate Dentistry programme, as outlined in the entry requirements.
  • Have attained the age of 18 by 1 December following entry to RCSI
  • Apply directly to RCSI between 1 November and 15 January (in the year of admission to the programme).
  • Upload the following documentation as part of their application:
    • Certified copies of academic transcripts including English language transcripts (IELTS) if applicable
    • Non-academic references
    • Copy of passport showing name, nationality and date of birth.
    • A passport style photograph
    • Confidential academic referee* contact details
    • A personal statement (guidance on preparing your statement can be found here).
    • Documents which reflect your life experience (such as work/life balance, extracurricular activities, relevant work/voluntary experience etc.)

*Academic references: Applicants are required to nominate an academic referee as part of the application process. The Admissions Office will contact the referee and request that they provide a 'confidential academic reference'. The full name, title, position and contact details of the referee are required as part of the online application (please do not begin your application without these details). It is advisable therefore to inform the referee and seek their permission to nominate them as a referee.

If you have any queries regarding your application, please contact the RCSI Admissions Office.


Non-EU applicants residing in the USA and Canada should apply to RCSI through our educational agent partner, Atlantic Bridge.

Please note: Applicants must have attained the age of 18 by 1 December following entry to RCSI. If you do not meet this requirement we will not be able to consider your application.

Please ensure that you read the below information carefully before starting your application. 

Please note: As this is a new programme we are not accepting applications at this stage from students based in North America who do not hold (or expect to hold by July prior to entry) either an undergraduate bachelor degree or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. This position will be reviewed in coming years. 

Applicants must:
  • Hold (or expect to hold by July prior to entry) a competitive GPA* from an accredited, science-based, undergraduate bachelor degree or be completing/have completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma.
  • Contact Atlantic Bridge for guidance in advance of applications opening on 1 August prior to the year of admission.
  • Have attained the age of 18 by 1 December following entry to RCSI
  • Complete and submit the Atlantic Bridge application within their deadline dates.
  • Include the following documentation in their Atlantic Bridge applications:
    • Two letters of recommendation or one committee letter
    • A personal statement on ‘why I would be an asset to the School of Dentistry and the dental profession’ (guidance on preparing your statement can be found here)
    • Official transcripts
    • One recent passport sized photograph (colour or black and white) 
    • Any additional documentation specified by Atlantic Bridge.

A US$75 application fee is payable to Atlantic Bridge by credit card for applications made by 15 November. Applications made following this date will be subject to a late fee.

Interviews for applicants who apply through Atlantic Bridge usually take place between late January and late March. Early application is advisable as demand for interview slots is competitive. Information on preparing for an interview can be found here.