A person in dentistry training)


Bachelor of Dental Surgery, BDS (Hons)
School of Dentistry

Your future

At RCSI, our number one priority is to help you to realise your potential as a healthcare professional. We pride ourselves on producing graduates who are knowledgeable in the science of their discipline and highly skilled practitioners.

RCSI graduates are highly sought-after by leading employers and join a global alumni network with more than 30,000 healthcare professionals working across 96 countries.

Careers-focused education

All teaching and learning activities are patient and student-centred and are specifically designed for students to experience authentic and contextual learning. The goal is to ensure that students are fully prepared for a primary care career and, in addition, provides the foundations on which to develop their knowledge and skills enabling them to enter any dental specialist training programme. 

The curriculum focuses not only on imparting essential theoretical knowledge and clinical skills but also on nurturing critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills. These foundational skills are transferable and form the basis for continuous learning throughout a dental professional's career.

A small number of students are offered the opportunity to intercalate during their studies to achieve a master’s level qualification on graduation. Intercalation allows students to interrupt their studies for a year following satisfactory completion of Year 3 of the Bachelor of Dental Surgery programme, in order to join an alternative programme within the University, before re-joining the BDS programme at Year 4.

Dentistry students with patients in surgery.

Tailored career supports

RCSI students work with our Career Design Centre, comprised of qualified guidance counsellors and career designers, who are available from the moment they become an RCSI student and continue to support them up to three years after graduation. 

Our careers programme is divided into three stages: Curiosity; Design, and; Action. Each stage has associated activities and learnings to ensure that students have the confidence and tools required to put their career strategy into practice.

Our service includes confidential 1:1 appointments with a qualified career professional, themed workshops, clinics and presentations on topical events throughout the academic year. All of our career related activities and communications are supported by a dedicated CareerHub IT platform where we encourage and empower students to develop their own career plan and strategy.

Career options

There is a wide range of career options open to students graduating from this course. They can decide to work in general dental practice as a private practitioner or in the salaried public dental service. Unlike medicine, after qualifying there is no mandatory “intern year”. 

Graduates can also choose to continue their education with the aim of becoming a specialist in one area within dentistry such as orthodontics, oral surgery, paediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, periodontology, dental public health and special care dentistry.
Students who graduate have the scope to work and travel worldwide (although some countries such as the US require that an examination is passed before a dentist qualified from Ireland may practice). Graduates who are citizens of the European Union (EU) may practice anywhere in the EU.

Global alumni network

Our alumni enjoy close connections with RCSI and with each other. As an RCSI graduate, you will receive the support of a global community of eminent RCSI Alumni.

Our alumni will assist you in identifying research and clinical electives opportunities and support you in deciding on a specialty and a region in which to practise.