Two medical students in discussion in university corridor)

Graduate Entry Medicine

MB, BCh, BAO (Hons)
School of Medicine

Entry requirements

All applicants to RCSI's GEM programme are categorised as either EU or Non-EU, depending on whether or not they meet the EU applicant criteria (which includes nationality and residency criteria). If you do not meet the criteria for EU applicant status, you will be deemed a Non-EU applicant for fees and application purposes.

If you fall under the EU applicant category, please follow the links below under ‘Irish and EU applicants’ to view the relevant entry requirements. If you fall under the Non-EU applicant category, you should follow the link under ‘Non-EU applicants’ to view the relevant entry requirements.

To determine your EU or Non-EU applicant category, please consult RCSI’s EU vs Non-EU policy

To be eligible for consideration for an EU GEM place, you must:

  • Apply to the CAO by 1 February in the year of admission to the programme.
  • Hold or expect to hold – by July prior to entry – a competitive GPA or a minimum of an upper second class honours (2H1) in your first accredited undergraduate honours bachelor degree (equivalent to NFQ Level 8). The degree can be in any discipline.
  • Compete on the basis of your Graduate Australian Medical School Admission Test (GAMSAT) scores only. As a guide, the minimum GAMSAT score on which students were admitted to RCSI in 2024 was 57. The GAMSAT-Ireland test is held in March and September each year. Please consult the GAMSAT website for further information.

Please note:

  • GAMSAT results are valid for two years prior to the start of the programme you are applying for. If you are presenting GAMSAT UK or GAMSAT Australia results you must provide these to the CAO when submitting your application.
  • There are no interviews for EU GEM applicants.
  • If you have additional questions about the application process, please refer to the Application FAQs section. We also strongly recommend that you refer to the 'Guidelines for CAO applicants' document, accessible here, before starting your application.

If you are unsure whether you are an EU or Non-EU applicant, please consult the EU vs Non-EU fee policy for guidance. You can also contact the RCSI Admissions Office directly to verify your status. However, as additional supporting documentation may be required to process your request, we recommend that you contact us well in advance of the application closing date.

To be eligible for consideration for a Non-EU GEM place, you must:

  • Apply through the correct application channel (either directly through RCSI or via Atlantic Bridge if you reside in North America).
  • Hold or expect to hold by July prior to entry a competitive GPA* from an accredited undergraduate bachelor degree (equivalent to NFQ Level 8).
  • Present either a competitive Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) or a Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) score. Further information on each of these tests is available on the MCAT and GAMSAT websites.

Please note:

  • Non-EU applicants can provide GAMSAT or MCAT examination results. GAMSAT and MCAT results are valid for four years prior to the start of the programme. As a guide, the minimum scores on which applicants are invited to the interview stage are MCAT: 503 and GAMSAT: 60.
  • If you have completed an undergraduate degree, you are only eligible to apply for the four-year GEM programme (i.e. Non-EU degree holders cannot apply for a place on the five or six-year Undergraduate Medicine programme).

*GPAs have different scoring systems and can vary from one country to the next. As a consequence, RCSI does not specify a minimum cut off GPA score and all transcripts are individually reviewed to determine if the GPA is competitive for entry.

Please note

The following information is relevant to all applicants.

Minimum English language requirements


Teaching in RCSI is through the medium of English. As a consequence, all applicants are required to demonstrate a high level of English language competence. Applicants whose first language is not English must present a minimum overall average IELTS score of 6.5 with no individual band (reading, writing, listening and speaking) lower than 6.0. IELTS Certificates must be less than two years old at the time of admission. Equivalent scores in TOEFL are also acceptable.  

Good Standing

Applicants who have been previously discontinued from any academic institution are deemed not to be in 'good standing' and are ineligible to apply to RCSI.

Fitness to Practice

Students will be subject to the University's Fitness to Practice policy, full details of which can be found in our policies section.

Student vetting

Police clearance or 'Garda vetting', as it is known in Ireland, is required for all students who will be in contact with children and/or vulnerable adults during the course of their studies. All students on primary healthcare qualification programmes will be required to complete Garda Vetting in advance of their clinical placements. The Registry team at RCSI will contact registered students with instructions on how to complete the process at the appropriate time. The process will require students to complete a form outlining all of the permanent addresses that they have lived in from birth.
Additionally, any student joining the Graduate Entry Medicine programme whose normal place of residence is not Ireland will be required to provide a Police Clearance Certificate from their country of origin in order to complete the registration requirements for the programme. Those holding an offer to join the programme will be contacted directly in relation to this process. 

Transfers from other medical schools

RCSI has a 'no transfer' policy, more details of which can be found in our policies section.

Health screening

All RCSI Undergraduate programmes are delivered (in part) in clinical settings and exposure to infection is a risk. As part of the University's overall approach to minimising the risks associated with blood-borne viruses all students must complete a blood-borne virus risk assessment. This is coordinated through the University Health Facility during the first year of attendance. All students admitted to the Medicine programmes must consent to immunisation at the RCSI Travel Health Centre at the Mercer's Medical Centre.

Applications from students with disabilities

RCSI welcomes applications from students with disabilities. However, it is strongly advised that applicants disclose their disability on their application and contact the RCSI Admissions Office to discuss any appropriate supports/reasonable accommodations. Applicants may also be required to provide relevant information which will be treated in the strictest of confidence.   

International students are encouraged to contact the Learning Access Team in advance of accepting your place in the RCSI so we can advise you of the types of supports and reasonable accommodations which may be available to you. However, please be advised that supports you may have received in your home institution may differ from those provided here in the RCSI.  

Evidence of your disability is also required to register with the Learning Access Service. Please note that the evidence of disability must be provided in English, and if not originally in English must be translated by a professional translator.