Student Pride Society

The RCSI Pride Society was launched in 2015 and works to elevate and support the LGBTQ+ community via events and advocacy. Since the end of the pandemic, the student-led organisation has hosted a range of educational events, including HSE Rainbow training and the Queer Perspectives in Healthcare conference, as well as social events including RCSI Drag Race. RCSI Pride also won the Best Poster Award at the BIC’s award in 2023 for their Drag Race poster. For more information, the RCSI Pride Soc can be contacted at

LGBT Ireland Healthcare Conference

Since 2022, RCSI has collaborated with LGBT Ireland to deliver their annual healthcare conference. In 2023, the theme was Transforming Healthcare for LGBTQI+ Communities: Confronting Stigma and Prioritising Mental Health, and two members of the RCSI Pride Staff Network spoke on panels.

Staff Pride Network

The EDI Unit helped to establish RCSI’s Staff Pride Network with members of the community and allies in early 2018. The Network is an inclusive forum that exists to support the LGBTI+ community at the University. Its purpose is to provide a way for LGBTI+ staff to get to know each other through formal and informal events and feel part of a welcoming community at work. It also raises awareness and visibility of LGBTI+ issues across the University, at an institutional level.

We now participate in Pride week and plan events and activities throughout the year. The Network is open to all LGBTI+ staff members, LGBTI+ allies, and all who are interested in LGBTI+ matters in RCSI. If you are interested in finding out more or would like to join the network, please contact us.

Watch a video explaining gender identity:

Watch the video