Who we are

The RCSI Senior Management Team holds overall responsibility for equality, diversity and inclusion.

EDI structure

EDI Unit

The RCSI EDI Unit was established in July 2017. The unit manages, promotes and coordinates EDI activities across the university. The unit is comprised of four staff:

  • Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Liz Hughes
  • Research & Policy Officer: Julia Morrow
  • Athena Swan Project Officer: Oluchi Porter
  • Events and Communications Coordinator: Jenny Duffy

Contact us

EDI Committee

The RCSI Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) was established in 2019. The EDIC is responsible for advising the Senior Management Team on all equality, diversity and inclusion matters in RCSI. The Committee is chaired by Senior Management Team member and Director of International Engagement and External Relations, Abi Kelly.

The EDIC membership is comprised of staff and students. 

RCSI Athena Swan Working Group

RCSI received an Athena Swan Bronze award in 2018 and this award was successfully renewed in August 2023. The Athena Swan Working Group (ASWG) is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the RCSI Athena Swan Action Plan, and reports into the EDI Committee. The ASWG meets three times a year during the initial implementation phase of the Action Plan and will meet on a more regular basis closer to our application for the Silver Award.

Departmental Athena Swan Self-Assessment Teams (SATs)

RCSI has many departmental SATs. The SAT is responsible for developing the submission for a new Athena Swan award and for implementing Athena Swan Action Plans.  Departments wishing to apply for their first Bronze award establish a new SAT a minimum of 18 months before the submission period. Each SAT includes people from a variety of backgrounds, with different experiences, and a proportion of members that reflects the profile of the department. RCSI Schools and Departments with Athena Swan Awards include the Department of Anatomy and Regenerative Medicine, Department of Physiology and Medical Physics, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, School of Nursing & Midwifery, and School of Physiotherapy.

Staff and Student EDI Forums

EDI Forums meet three times per year and work to address priority EDI issues as well as develop/implement dedicated policies and action plans. Focus areas include:

  • Ending sexual violence, supporting survivors, promoting consent (ESP)
  • Race equality

Staff EDI Networks

RCSI has five staff equality networks. These are driven by staff interests and supported by the EDI Unit.

The EDI Networks are championed by Senior Management Team sponsors and driven by staff themselves with rotating staff chairs. Staff networks include:

  • Age Friendly Network
  • Multicultural Network      
  • Parents and Carers Network
  • Pride Network
  • Women’s Network