Anatomy Room Gallery

The Anatomy Room Gallery reflects the role of the Anatomy Room as a place of learning not just for students of the health sciences, but also for students of the arts who seek to better understand the human form through the study of surface anatomy.

Celebrating art and medicine

The Anatomy Room Gallery traces its origins back to 2009 with the commissioning of the first, and largest, painting in the collection, 'The Anatomy Lesson of the Irish College of Surgeons' by Robert Jackson. Since then, all artworks have been gifted to the collection, principally by the artists themselves. This complements the generosity of those who donate their remains for medical teaching and research. Watch the video to hear more about how the Gallery serves as inspiration for all who teach and learn in the Anatomy Room from Professor of Anatomy Clive Lee, Professor of Art Una Sealy, and artist and surgeon Michael Earley.

Head and shoulders image of a man

"The Anatomy Room Gallery is a tangible expression of what art and science have in common – a shared curiosity for the unknown, an appreciation for the worlds they explore, and a desire to create something new."

Mick O'Dea, President, Royal Hibernian Academy 2014-18

Explore some highlights

Today, the Anatomy Room Gallery comprises over 80 works in a variety of media by professional and amateur artists as well as RCSI students and staff. The collection celebrates the intersection of art and medicine.

Anatomy Room Gallery Catalogue PDF | 16275.3 KB

The Anatomy Room Gallery at RCSI began in 2009 with the commissioning of its first painting. Read more about how the collection complements the generosity of those who donate their remains for medical teaching and research – an inspiration to all who teach and learn in the Anatomy Room.

cover image for Anatomy Room Gallery Catalogue