Summer electives

Electives are invaluable short-term work placements, where students can gain experience in either research or clinical environments.

Seen as a crucial step within a student’s development, RCSI would value your expertise and support in shaping the future of our summer elective programmes, whether it be through your time, connections or insight. 

How can you help?

RCSI is asking for our experienced graduates to support the next generation of dedicated medical students who are following in your footsteps. We’d love to hear from you if you have an opportunity to host a clinical elective placement in your hospital, or perhaps you can facilitate securing an elective placement if your hospital already has an established electives programme.

Your clinical expertise and knowledge is an invaluable asset for our students in aiding them in their goal of returning home post-graduation to practice in their chosen specialty, so we would love to hear from you with any opportunities.

How does it work?

Participation in clinical electives is restricted to medical students who have completed SC1/GEM3 and are about to enter their final year. Students seek summer electives to take place in July/August and, with a vast international student population, RCSI students often look to return to their home countries to gain experience.

RCSI is proud to have assisted in placing students in elective programmes in a wide range of countries, but we can’t do it without your support. We are always looking for our alumni's experience and assistance in finding new electives and opportunities.

All that is required from you is to provide an institution for our students to work and gain practice in, typically over a four-week period. All travel and accommodation will be looked after by the student themselves, with assistance from RCSI.

Student summer electives can be the gateway to a career. They are often the first experience of our student's practicing in their home countries and specialising in their fields.

Read more about the impact and value a summer elective can have on an RCSI student, in Jeffery’s story.