Surveys and data analysis

The QEO collects quality-related institutional data and is responsible for facilitating internal and external requests for institutional data and its subsequent analyses and dissemination.

The QEO is responsible for collecting feedback from students through internal and national surveys.

Examples include:

  • RCSI Student Pulse: This is an annual cycle of student surveys that includes an arrival survey for first year students and two end of Semester surveys (in December/January and May) for all Undergraduate programmes and most Postgraduate programmes (which are also surveyed after completing each module). Students are given an opportunity to share anonymous feedback on their learning experience and comment on what they think works well at the University and what could be improved. The core survey questions are the same for each year and campus (Dublin, Bahrain). Reports are shared with year and programme directors, heads of schools, heads of professional departments and presented to key RCSI decision-makers. Report recipients share information annually on the impact of surveys and examples of actions taken in response to student feedback. Students can see these examples though a ‘You said, we did’ campaign. Student Pulse dates are protected in the RCSI calendar to ensure no other survey activities take place at the same time.
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion survey: As an Athena SWAN Bronze award holder, RCSI collects student feedback on various equality and diversity initiatives to track progress on implementing equality and diversity initiatives. This annual survey gives RCSI students a safe space to comment on equality and diversity matters to ensure equality of opportunity and supportive learning environment.
  • is an annual, nationwide survey of first year, final year and taught postgraduate students. The survey attempts to measure students’ engagement in learning with questions referring to various learning strategies, learning environment, quality of teaching and interactions with staff. RCSI has participated in this survey since 2014.
  • Research and other bespoke surveys: The QEO supports RCSI researchers with reaching out to our students and acts as a ‘gatekeeper’ for research projects. We collect and anonymise data from research participants and ensure the data is stored securely in line with research ethics and GDPR requirements.

The QEO is responsible for collecting feedback from staff members through internal and national surveys.

Examples include:

  • RCSI Staff Pulse: The QEO facilitates periodic, anonymous surveys enabling staff to share feedback on a range of topics such as engagement, connection, belonging and workplace well-being. Regular feedback from staff informs policies and systems to support and engage staff, enhance leadership and support organisational development.
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion survey: The QEO supports the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit in collecting staff feedback on equality and diversity matters. As an Athena SWAN Bronze award holder, RCSI requests anonymous feedback from staff on an annual or biennial basis to ensure equality of opportunity and supportive working environment. The results feed into equality and diversity policies and action plans as well as Athena SWAN departmental applications.
  • RCSI new starter survey: This survey is offered to new RCSI staff members and gathers feedback on their recruitment, onboarding and induction experience. Anonymous feedback is used to monitor and improve these processes.
  • Stakeholder feedback: Occasionally RCSI staff members are asked to assist departments that are undergoing an internal quality review with gathering information on their relations with internal stakeholders. Staff members are invited to share opinions on the interactions with the reviewed department and rate their service provision. All quality review surveys are anonymous and results are shared with the unit under review in an aggregated format to ensure no staff member can be identified from the data.
  • Research and other bespoke surveys: The QEO supports RCSI researchers with reaching out to our staff members and acts as a ‘gatekeeper’ for research projects. We collect and anonymise data from research participants and ensure the data is stored securely in line with research ethics and GDPR requirements.

The QEO oversees all survey activities in RCSI to ensure the anonymity of students and staff. We closely monitor who can request access to students and staff and what data is being collected. The QEO facilitates the process of data collection of bespoke and research surveys. All requests for survey access to RCSI students and staff are managed by the QEO who will advise on the feasibility and timelines of the proposed project. The following factors are considered:

  • Target group and timing: There are periods of protected time that will preclude additional surveys, for example the end of each semester, when students are – or will soon be – engaged in formal internal feedback processes.
  • Ethics approval status: All surveys conducted among RCSI staff and students are subjected to ethics approval, either from the RCSI Research Ethics Committee or another institution (subject to approval).
  • Survey workload: The volume of recent or forthcoming surveys with the RCSI student body or proposed sub-groups of students and staff..

If you have any questions about survey activities, please contact

  • Survey design: The QEO provides advice on the design and administration of survey instruments to maximise the quality and validity of data collected.
  • Data analysis: The QEO provides routine and bespoke processing, analysis, and reporting of survey data to allow stakeholders to get the most from their data.