Sustainability policies
RCSI recognises the impact it makes on the environment and acknowledges that acting in a responsible manner around sustainability and environmental impacts are fundamental to the health and well-being of our students, staff and visitors and the wider communities with whom we engage.
We aim to enhance the environment in which we operate by introducing environmental, health, social, and governance principles in our strategic and operational level decision-making processes and policies.
You can view our various policies relating to sustainability below:
RCSI Environmental and Sustainability Policy PDF | 185.4 KB RCSI Sustainability in Surgery PDF | 3824.4 KB RCSI Sustainable and Ethical Food Policy PDF | 203.2 KB RCSI Sustainable Commuting Guide PDF | 2734.9 KB RCSI Sustainable Procurement Policy PDF | 758.5 KB RCSI Waste Management Procedure PDF | 575.7 KB RCSI Waste Policy PDF | 534.2 KB