Immersive Simulation

Immersive simulation provides a valuable bridge between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. It allows students to practice skills in a safe, controlled environment, building confidence and competence before stepping into the clinical setting.

Our students participate in immersive simulations to replicate real-life experiences that generate feelings and thoughts that allow them to demonstrate their clinical judgment and decision-making skills.

The immersive experience is enhanced by a realistic hospital environment, equipment and high-fidelity manikins ranging from neonates and children to adults, in addition to specialised manikins for obstetrics and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

High-fidelity simulators are life-like manikins that can interact with learners by communicating with them and exhibit realistic clinical signs. Monitors can display ECG, vital signs and changes in response to the learner’s performance.

The teaching follows an evidence-based approach in a psychologically safe learning environment.