Health Professions Education
RCSI research in the area of Health Professions Education (HPE) is informed by our educational context which is both multi-professional and multi-national.
As a best evidence in medical education (BEME) international collaborating centre we promote and contribute to the production of evidence-based education using a wide range of methodology, including scoping, narrative and realist.
Our research builds on active areas of educational development at RCSI in different health settings involving clinicians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, bio-medical scientists and educationalists, and seeks to develop new educational approaches which are student-centred and will ultimately have an impact for patients.
Educational research themes include consultation skills and diagnostic reasoning, the development of professional identity, technology-enhanced learning, simulation, inter-professional education (IPE) and cultural impacts on learning and teaching.
We have a number of international research collaborations within the EU and further afield in the US and Canada, the Gulf and South East Asia.
Our researchers