Donald Teskey

Donald Teskey was awarded the 2024 RCSI Art Award for his work 'Orchestral I' at the 192nd RHA Annual Exhibition.

He will be invited to complete a commission for RCSI in 2025/26.

Man is given award and is pictured with two women either side of him

About the artist

Donald Teskey was born in Limerick and graduated from Limerick School of Art and Design in 1978. He came to prominence as an artist through his skill as a draughtsman during the 1980s with several significant solo exhibitions.

Since 1992, he has crafted out a substantial body of work as a painter of the landscape focusing on the ruggedness of the western seaboard. Sometimes working on a very large scale, his images reflect his response to the formal elements of composition: shape, form and fall of light. Teskey has exhibited in the UK, USA, Canada, China, Germany, France, Finland and South Africa.

His work is held in the Irish Museum of Modern Art, National Gallery of Ireland, and Arts Council of Ireland, as well as corporate and private collections worldwide. Teskey was elected a full member of the RHA in 2003 and a member of Aosdána in 2006.